January 9, 2012

Is there even one ethical Democrat?

Is there not one single Democrat willing to stand up and denounce Obama's recent unconstitutional power grab?

Has power and Party usurped all that is good and decent? Can no Democrat read or understand Article II, Section 2 of the Constitution?

Is there not a Federal Judge that will issue a restraining order?

A recent commenter wondered why I say Fuck You Democrats.  Now you know.  They have no ethics, no integrity, no sense of honor.

I challenge any liberal, progressive or Democrat to explain why this action is acceptable. Then tell me why you would have taken the same position had the President been named Bush.

Read this -- a more intelligent statement of the issue.


Rita said...

I watched the local political talk shows yesterday. Bauer and his minions were about the most smug liars I have even seen. The two shows had different commentators, but of course they used the exact same talking points, word for word.

I don't know why people cannot see that the Democrats are nothing but union prostitutes.

Just read where they finally decided they would be on the coming back to the state house as of right this moment. I'm hoping RTW is the very first thing to come up for a vote.

Anonymous said...

You will be waiting a long time for a democrat to speak up about this. Moral and ethical cowards ever damn one of them.
James Old Guy

Ed Bonderenka said...

They weeded out those democrats a while back

Hey Teacher, leavethose kids alone said...

Sliding appointments through by severely bending and breaking the rules is not acceptable and the appointment should be rescinded. Also the pro-forma BS should be eliminated. Yes, I know that Democrats also use it. That doesn’t make it right then either. To gavel in a session of Congress only to adjourn a few seconds later seems to be paying a lot of money for nothing being done. Or in your words…

"And yes, when the Democrats take the taxpayer's pay to go to work, then refuse to sit in session because they will lose the vote, then I say FUCK THEM."

So, I guess its FUCK YOU to the Republicans too.

Have a nice day.

Erin O'Brien said...

I'm a lefty for sure, but I don't consider myself a Dem. That said, be rest assured there's plenty of ire about this in my camp. On the street level, Facebook was on fire over it.

Obama threatened to veto the legislation because of the "indefinite detention" provisions, then signed it "with reluctance" and vowed never to use the power.


You can bet I wish he'd made good on the veto threat instead of caving to the righties AGAIN. This is terrible beyond imagination, but I ask you, Hoose, how come you call on the Dems to decry it but not the Repubs? There are plenty of 'em on the yea vote roster.

Now then, Here is the smartest commentary you will hear on this subject.

Joe said...

Teacher --

The Senate gives consent to Presidential appointees. The Dems control the Senate.

If you have a beef with gaveling into session, take it up with Harry Reid -- the Democrat in charge.

I hope you do not teach civics or government.

Fuzzy Curmudgeon said...

In fairness, nobody actually teaches civics or government in today's post-modern schools. They may have classes called that, but they're really indoctrination classes for future leftist college cadre.

Anonymous said...

@ Nathan - I taught the real deal but then it was in a Christian school. Public schools indoctinate.

Erin O'Brien said...

Well then.

Apparently you were talking about the Cordray appointment and I was talking about the indefinite detention provisions in the National Defense Authorization Act.

As our friend Rick Perry would say, oops.

As for your indignation over Cordray, go read "Retirement Heist" by Ellen Schultz. It'll turn the lot of you into lefties.

Het teacher leave those kids alone said...

Oh crap I've been schooled again. You're right, its the Democrats that are holding up these appointments and Newt Gingrich will be canonized next week and Tony Bennett(IN super of Edumacation(sic) likes teachers.

Reid made a "deal with the Repubs to hold proforma sessions. Reid used these to block Bush recess appts. but W still made 171 and so far Obiwan has only made 28. I guess he's not as slick as the tall Texan.
I guess what really needs to happen is that if the Republicans say they're not in recess then they should vote on the nominees. Can't have your cake with extra whipped cream and it it too.

Hey teacher leave those kids alone said...

Yikes! I need to proof read these comments a little more before hitting send. I guess its just that knee jerk liberal in me. I apologize for sloppiness.

Anonymous said...

The difference is that under Bush Congress was ACTUALLY in recess. I guess you ate more concerned about politics than rule of law.

I agree Tony Benett is bad for teachers and education in general.


Hey teacher leave those kids alone said...

I'd just like for the politicians to do the people's business not special interest BS (yes, including unions) and maybe stick to what they campaigned on. Speaking of sticks, perhaps they should get whacked with one every time they stray from their campaign pledges(yes, both parties). Whoops,sorry wouldn't want to deforest the entire eastern seaboard.

Rita said...

Hey, I'll vote for the stick-whacking for all politicians that break their own rules.

Looks like we have come to a consensus.

Cappy said...

No. There are no ethical Democrats.

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