January 29, 2007


list·less /ˈlɪstlɪs/ [list-lis] –adjective. having or showing little or no interest in anything; languid; spiritless; indifferent: a listless mood; a listless handshake.


[Origin: 1400–50; late ME lystles. See list4, -less]

—Related forms
list·less·ly, adverb
list·less·ness, noun
Dictionary.com Unabridged (v 1.1)
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2006.

That pretty much sums it up. There are some excellent posts in the places listed over there in the sidebar. Check out Yabu, or maybe Barista Grazioso for just an example of a couple of posts that say what I think in a much better way.

I seem to have lost my very special trolls. This saddens me in a twisted way. I guess I was too hard on them in this post. I suppose it was too much to ask for a reasoned, on subject argument. These liberals, they give up way too easily. They will not fight for their country, their rights, their beliefs, or even in a comment thread. We have raised a generation of quitters and losers. Again, see the links above.

Life, it gets in the way of our hobbies sometimes. It seems my normal reading list of blogs is in a funk, many of you are no longer posting on a regular basis. Get with the program, I need to be entertained. At least have decency to put a post up saying you are taking time off. YOU know to whom I refer.

I made lasagna last night. As always, mostly from scratch, except the pasta. The oven-ready lasagna noodles are a terrific time saver. Try it.

The house maintains that clinging garlic smell yet this morning. I cannot say it is displeasing. I had a piece of left-over garlic bread with my OJ and coffee this morning. I will another with my reheated lasagna for lunch today.

Fried Spam yesterday, lasagna today. It is sure good to be me.

At least that is what I keep telling myself...

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