March 10, 2008

Up yours Ben Franklin

Thanks Daylight Savings Time for making the kids go to school in the dark. It was nice in the last few weeks that I could see the kids at the bus stop and it was light enough I did not have to worry about picking off youngsters walking to school in my neighborhood. Now it is again pitch dark as the kids head to school.

It was nice that it did not get dark until 7:30 last evening. Of course the energy I saved by it being light in the evening I compensated for by having to turn more lights on this morning. At least the golf industry will make more money since now players can get in nine before dark -- if it was not wet and cold and in some cases snowy.

Ben Franklin was a genius, but DSL DST was not one of his best ideas.

On a completely unrelated note, I thought I would never be surprised by the nerve of the Clintons. They must both have steel testes the size of bowling balls. They are LOSING in the race for the Democrat Presidential nomination and they firmly believe B. Husein Obama-rama should give up and accept the job as VP. If he is so stupid to accept this role, He should be very careful about accepting any plane rides. After all, the Clinton;s will be in charge of the White House travel office...

I am just sayin'.

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