May 25, 2019

The old man is snoring

With a Woot and Hooray a long weekend is finally here! It's gonna rain though. The media pointed out we have had rain or snow every single weekend for 14 straight weeks. Yes, that is why my backyard still needs a ton of work. Limbs and leaves still line the fence, weeds are springing up in the flower beds. The patio furniture is dirty and the granddaughter's playhouse is full of leaves and spider webs. The skies are darkening as I hunt and peck one-fingered on my iPad I keyboard. Yes, my backyard is as neglected as this blog.

Sorry 'bout that.

Sinatra is crooning in the background. The coffee is hot. Life is good.

We have no big plans for the weekend. Some friends might come over this evening for a little Euchre and dinner. There will be laughs and the easy relaxation of people who have been friends for more than 40 years.

Enjoy your Saturday.

1 comment:

Jan said...

And years later I remember what the left bower is.

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