Does any one know what battle is depicted here? I will write more about it later this week.
The heat continues here in the Hoosier Heartland. At 11:00 pm last night it was still a balmy 81 degrees at the HB Homestead. Yesterday was hot. Not Phoenix hot, but pretty warm, mid 90's. Humidity was pushing 100%. Yes, you Southerons have nothing on us in the Midwest. We were in the midst of a baseball double header. I cannot remember the last rain. The grass is brown and crunches under foot when you walk barefoot. I once had a colleague who moved to Gainesville, GA from Indiana. He related to me how the locals in Georgia complained about the heat. He said it was just as hot and humid in Indiana, if not worse.
Thanks for coming around to the Hoosierboy blog. It has always been my intention to offer quality entertainment to you, the reader. The real conundrum is defining the content. Hateful screeds are fun to write, and keep the angry fires from consuming me with rage. I am afraid the details of my home life are boring. My feeble attempts at fiction did not stir anyone. Do you like the miniature history lessons? What are you looking for? Do you want more rants, family life, education? Am I reaching the correct balance? Rest assured I am still going to write what I feel, but I also want to ENTERTAIN YOU. BTW, a hearty thanks to the new readers from the past few weeks.
Flag Burning makes me sick. I don't get it. I do believe that this proposed amendment will accomplish little but make more dolts burn the flag as a symbol of protest. Today, you see little flag desecration, but you know some liberal punk is waiting to be THE one who gets busted. He is guaranteed spots on CNN, the Today Show and Larry King talking about his "Rights". Lets not give them the chance. I have never seen a flag burnt, and I do not want to. I think we are trying to smash an ant with a brick. Overkill for a small problem.
I hate birds. They shit on my car, my porch, my deck, my new patio furniture. They shit on my roof and my kid's swingset. Geese shit big steaming piles all over the yard, ducks shit in the pond. The neighbor's dog shits in the flower beds, so do the neighborhood cats. Rabbits shit in the driveway. A bird even shit clear down the big window at work, blocking my view. Life shits all over me. Is God sending me a message?
I love the 4th of July. It is my favorite holiday.
Posting will be light the rest of the week, I am going on a big business trip. I will take the laptop and try to log in.
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