The snake hunt was futile yesterday. I am sure you are as bored by the subject as I by now, so no more reports unless I kill the bastard, or at least see it again.

I think I am going to grill me a bratwurst for lunch and open a can of sauerkraut. It is that kind of day. It is rainy and cloudy, but old Sol is trying to peek through. I hope not too much, I need to mow the yard and I do not feel like it today. Edit: I did fire up the grill and there is my actual lunch right there in the picture -- before I wolfed it down. I wish that was a cold beer instead of iced tea, BTW.
The boy went to get some gas in his car last night and called to say it had died and would not start. I drove down and pushed it into a nearby church parking lot. It turns over but will not start, so I am guessing we have an ignition problem. I have made arrangements to have it towed and looked after by a reputable mechanic. Of course when his car dies at 10:00 at night, when it is raining, the whelp calls the parents that he just told not twenty minutes prior he hated and could not wait to move out. I guess he does still love me a little, at least my ability to push cars and help pay for needed repairs. I have to admit, he has helped pay for some of the repairs. It is hard to maintain a vehicle on part time pizza delivery pay. This little car is killing me, in the last few months we have dropped about $1,000 on it -- heater core, wiring harness, tires, brakes, and some steering components I cannot remember. Now this. Stuff happens, but the car only cost us $4,000 (a little Ford Escort ZX2). Sometimes you feel like you are buried under an avalanche. I am trying to focus on the good times.
I told my wife the other day that if we spend all our time focusing on what is wrong in life we miss out on all that is good. I am not a glass is half full kind of person, as you will know if you read here much. The question is not whether the glass is half empty or full, but "Who stole my fucking water?"
The baseball season finally kicks off on Saturday, I am ready to see if my team is any good. I skippered a club to a winless season last year, and I am curious to see if my recent perfect record remains intact.
Oh, and did you like my little prom picture? I figure if Richmond can show off her green dress and Erin O'Brien can take us back in time to 1981, I could show off my styling days. Dude, I loved that tux. I wanted to get one just like it when I got married, but someone mumbled something about me trying to ruin her special day, blah blah. You cannot tell by the picture but I sported some shiny patent leather shoes. Midway through the dance I thought I had somehow cracked the leather, but my date told me she was not wearing undies. badda boom.
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