January 1, 2009

Artificial starting points

Here we stand at the beginning of a New year. I am not one given to writing sappy year-in-review posts, so let it suffice to say good riddance to 2008. You could not leave fast enough for me.

Will 2009 be better? I think we have not seen the bottom of the economy. I am continually amazed that people cannot read history and draw conclusions. The steps taken by Hoover in the early days of the Great Depression have been mirrored by the lamest of ducks Bush administration. The Obamaites are calling for FDR-like intervention. Most historians and economists will admit those steps lengthened the depression. Yet here we go again.

In the interest of my health I just cannot get do worked up about things I cannot control. The past year has left me speechless regarding the basic stupidity of people.

It is the first of the year, so it must be resolution time. I resolve to have more patience with my family, co-workers and my fellow man. I will try to be a better father and husband. I will work harder. I will try to be a better servant of my God. I will try to live a healthier life. These are the same things I pray for every day anyhow.

I wish each and every one of you a Happy New Year, may it be in every way better than the last.

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