I was supposed to take the boy to Clevelandistan yesterday to visit the Rock and Roll HOF. Since I still can barely hobble my sorry ass, we had to pass until another day. Oh, how I wish we had free government health care, I bet my ailment would have been cured before it happened. I guess I will have to use my private insurance and go to a doctor on the morrow. Anyway back to the HOF -- with school starting Wednesday, I don't know when we will get to it. I am not that cracked up about going. The whole thing reeks of high school prom queen voting. As I understand by looking at the list of the enshrined ones, only the cool acts loved by the critics get in. Blues based -- yes. Punk -- yes, too bad most could only play two cords. Rap -- yes, although rap artists hate all rock and roll. I guess you do not have to play an instrument or even sing to be in the HOF as an artist. Progressive rock -- shut out. Even one band I loathe, Kiss, is not worthy. How the fuck can Kiss not be in the HOF? They defined (and still do) pubescent boy metal. And they have sold a lot of records.

Since I could not walk around, we had some friends over to play cards. In anticipation I visited the newly remodeled/opened liqueur store in town. As my friend said when we entered "This is the Disneyland of booze." Spacious, well lit the intoxicants of choice were sure to be found. The walk-in beer cooler alone was as big as the store this new Taj Mahal to drinking replaced. I bet every microbrew in the country was represented. I fell to my knees in joy as there were not three, or even five, but six different weiss biers from Germany on the shelf. Picture Homer Simpson slobbering a pitiful "mmmm beer". That was me. There were at least three differnt Shiners from deep in the heart of Texas waiting to be drunk. Mexican beers, 'Merican beers, German beers, hops and grains from every part of the globe were cold and ready for my lips.
At 8:30 in the am it is already 91% humidity. I may head out to the deck soon for a cool beer and relaxing cigar. It is five o'clock somewhere...
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