October 6, 2009

Urgent Update

I had to cancel an appointment today. I am not happy about it. I could not in good conscious go to see a customer and hack and cough and sneeze and snot all over his office. Especially when there is no significant issues to discuss.

I finally moved to the couch to sleep last night since I could not quit coughing.

Yes, I am taking some over-the-counter stuff.

In the last hour or so my left nostril has begun to leak copious amounts of snot. My ears feel like they are full of bugs stuff too.

It looks like a full blown cold is setting in.

I know most of you wake every day with a prayer on your lips to your God that you could be more like me. It is humbling, to say the least. I do, however, understand your desires.

I would skip that prayer today.

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