January 5, 2010


dick said...

I can appreciate voting those cocksuckers out of office and all, but it's not nearly as much fun as mass hangings.

Joe said...

I may have to delete this post. Opening up the old blog to that face creeps me out and makes me puke a little in my mouth -- every time.

Ed Bonderenka said...

ObamaLosiReid is sooooo '08.

Dan O. said...

HB, your own comment is what I was going to say. Your title could have been some sort of warning!

Excellent video.

I'm ready. For the ballot box or the battlefield. I kinda like Dick's idea. Hangin's outside the Capitol. Or build gallows right inside the dome.

F*ck L*b*r*ls

Would you like to buy a vowel?

TheWayfarer said...

Every time I see that bitch's face I want to ram a pick axe through it.
Same goes with (HITLERy) Clinton and Reid.
Dick's hangin' idea has a lot of merit...too quick and merciful, though! Didn't they used to draw and quarter traitors, or was that "merry old England"?

Anonymous said...

In order to pay for all the liberal programs and the expansion of those on the government payroll, I propose we the people require anyone who wants to be a politician to have to pay a special "Politician Tax" on their income at the percentage rate of the National Debt to GDP. In addition, for each law or bill proposed by a politician there should be an additional tax or fee based on their income(including those who vote for it!) at the percentage rate the legislation, once passed, will add to the current budget. Maybe then, we can get back to responsible government which is for the benefit of all Americans.

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