October 18, 2010

Mucked Up Monday

Greetings.  We find ourselves deep into a Monday. You will not be surprised I have little to report.  I had a great weekend (Freddie -- the answer is no!). I am not sure what I did, but the weekend went by fast.

On the health front I have been exercising daily.  My sugar is good in the evening but still out of control in the morning.  I met with the diabetic nurse/nutritionist this morning. She is happy I am doing well on the carb-counting diet, but somewhat concerned my morning sugars are still out of control. I am a little disappointed too.  I have worked hard at being a good boy, and nothing I do seems to work for my overnight control. It is still a month before I go back to the doctor. Hopefully I can get things better by then. The good news is my blood sugar is now only slightly above average, even with the morning numbers being elevated. The concern is the range of morning numbers, they are up and down. Over all, my sugar is less than 25% of the levels when I was diagnosed.

Now that I am eating more fruits and vegetables I thought for sure I would become more progressive in my political outlook.  I was promised the world would cheer. I guess I need to eat even more broccoli. I still think liberalism is a failed policy and only morons would think the socialist form of government could ever work. Don't worry Dave,  perhaps I could still have a heart attack.  Do not lose hope!

I have been re-reading Tom Sawyer. I loved the book as a boy, and I am enjoying the heck out of it now.

There you have it, a whole post of crap you do not care about. I am back to work.


Fred said...

Well, damn.

But, still, you had a great weekend.

You're obviously doing something right.

Loner said...

umm- just in case you'd like some unsolicited advice, you might ask your doctor about adding or increasing your dose of metformin if you haven't done that already. Glad to hear your spirit isn't down just because your fiber content is up!

GUYK said...

weight loss, exercise, diet, and the damn pills! When I do them all I keep my A1C below 7 and usually below 6 but put on 20 pounds or fail to exercise and the A1C goes to hell.

But I have found that I don't worry too much about the glucose level during the day...just want that morning one after eight hours sleep to be under 100...

Cappy said...

Glad things seem to be going better. Hope they diagnose and prescribe what to do about that AM out of control situation.

Vegetables are OK. But I say it's broccoli, and I say to hell with it!

Ralphd00d said...

You are way ahead of me. I am still waiting for the doc to tell me how fucked up I am... though, I am sure, it will come in hidden words, like yer post.

Aside from eating more F&V - yer mind is not clouded.

Joe said...

Thanks to all for the encouraging words.
Loner -- I am sure the Doc will modify my drugs whe nI go back next month. I have only been fighting this for about four weeks now.

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