December 12, 2010

I saw the news today, Oh boy

We are scheduled for a brown out today.

I am not talking about electricity/power issues.

Instead of the usual hues of red, yellow and green denoting rain and the pinks and blues that represent ice and snow, our area is covered in shades of brown.

Yep, we are in for some shitty weather.


GUYK said...

we have a little bit of snow but the green of the winter rye in the yard is showing through it. I am hoping for my first white Christmas in many years...maybe the weather quacks will deliver, heh. I am far enough north and east that Santa gets here an hour and a half before he hits the USA east if there is just some snow for the sleigh.

On another ya getting along with the type two diabetes?

dragonlady474` said...

Great, I'm getting ready to head up in a few days and the rain has reduced the snow to slush already.

Rita said...

I think it'll be even worse trying to drive into work in the morning. And I have another consultant coming in so I HAVE to be there.

mts1 said...

Your favorite bottleneck of the state is in quasi shutdown mode. It's not the heavy snow, it's the sheet of ice under it. Does not play well with idiot drivers. "Bbbbut, I have a five star safety rating, and 4 wheel drive, and all wheel traction control. I shouldn't have slid off the road into the median even as I sped down the road at 40 mph and passed 80,000 pound trucks moping along at 25. Life's not fair!" Seldom is it the 10 year old ghetto ride with sand bags in the trunk.

Joe said...

Thanks for asking Guy -- good in the evening and high in the morning, but holding steady at a 120 to 125 average per day. My blood pressure is very good (111/74).

I am doing pretty well with the carb counting. I did not have to lose a bunch of weight, so that made things easier.

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