March 21, 2011

And let the protest begin

I suspect Cindy Sheehan and Code Pink will be setting up shop in Lafayette Park near the White House today.  Maybe they are camped down the street from the Obama house in Chicago.

Surely the Left is up in arms? We are attacking a legitimate regime in Libya. There is no American interest at stake. It is likely over oil. "Blood for oil", will the Progressives shout.

For goodness sake, the Colonel only violated one stinkin' UN Resolution. It was US warmongering when Saddam violated 12.

Let me understand. We have to interfere in Libya because a a crazy frickin' dictator attacks his own people in open rebellion?  Is it not a problem if those people are Kurds? Qadaffi helped foment terrorism. Hussein only paid blood money to the families of suicide bombers in Israel.

The Libyan operation is a coalition, because Canada, Italy, Britain, France and others are involved. GW was a "Cowboy" in Iraq because he went in with Canada, Italy, Britain and others. I guess adding France makes all the difference. After all, their last military victory was under Napoleon, and he lost his last war. 1815 was not so long ago, I guess.

Clinton bombed Iraq and an aspirin factory in Somalia to cover up his diddling of Monica (cigar anyone?). What is The Obama up to?

What are the college kids to do? Should they protest the evil war in Libya or the evil Republicans in Wisconsin.  Decisions, decisions.

EDIT: How about that -- not all Democrats are hypocrites


Anonymous said...

Getting involved in Libya was a monster of a mistake, this might be the one that wakes up the libs. Unless a miracle occurs this is the bridge to far for the one. I am wondering if the military leadership sent him down the wrong path on purpose.

James Old Guy

Ralphd00d said...

If Libya wants a new Muslim leader, let's give them ours.

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