September 17, 2011

Am I boring you?

I am up and at it early this morning.  I woke a little before five in the a.m. for no real reason I can imagine. I have not been sleeping well this week, so I was not surprised.

Life is good here at the old homestead. I have to mow the yard later today. I think I will set the blades down a notch and maybe I will only have to get in one or two more cuttings before fall stops the growing season.

There you have it, a boring post filled with boring nothings. I hope you have a great weekend.

1 comment:

CnC said...

Must be something going around Joe, I was up early without the aid of my alarm clock. It's good to get an early start since we are heading to the lake, the problem is Jojo will not get moving at the same rate I do, so I will have to wait on her anyway.

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