October 12, 2011

I am Wall Street

credit http://curmudgeonlyskeptical.blogspot.com/
If you own stock, you are Wall Street.  If you participate in a pension plan, you are Wall Street. If you have a 401K, you are Wall Street.  If you have an IRA, you are Wall Street.

Frankly, I am a little miffed Wall Street is not making more profit.  That means more money for me.

It is time for the Commie Hippies to leave. If they put as much effort into looking for work as they do complaining their lives would be better. It is time to Occupy Mom's basement once again.

I get it.  Times are tough.  They were in 1984 when I graduated college with a worthless degree too.

Buck it up, take an entry level position and work hard. Rake leaves. Wait tables. Stock Holiday shelves. Handle boxes at UPS or FedEX..Get a CDL. At the very least, spend your time as a volunteer, help society instead of bitching about it.

Edit:  She is right   This is my last post about the idiots for a while.

Edit of the Edit:  Freddie is right  -- this is too good to pass up -- Thanks, Fred!

Click to embiggen


Rita said...

But it's easier to write a couple dozen words on a piece of paper than finding a job in their "feild". I wouldn't hire this idiot either.

Dave said...

I too am Wall Street. I'm a little miffed that the guys on Wall Street are thinking only about this quarter, when they should be giving a little more thought to the next year and the next decade.

Nobody from Wall Street told you to go $40K in debt to get an unmarketable degree. You have every right to be pissed. It would make more sense to protest in front of the office of the President of your University. Or protest in front of the government that makes your student loans the only debt that survives bankruptcy.

Erin O'Brien said...

That means more money for me.

Welcome to exactly what ails the United States of America.

TheWayfarer said...

Maybe she & her dead-end, living-in-momma's-fkn-basement generation should put down, pull up their pants, shut the fuck up & get a life...THEN somebody might hire them.
Businesses these days look for the BEST, not the pests - just sayin'

Fred said...

Just one more image?

Loved this one:

"Bitter women's studies...": What's REALLY ailing America.

...BTW, you need some bug spray, Joe?

Joe said...

Erin -- really? trying to make a better life for me and my family is what ails America?

Erin O'Brien said...

Ted and Fred: FUCK YOU.

Joe: I'll take my response off line.

Fuzzy Curmudgeon said...

Thar she blows.

Joe said...

I believe Ted and Fred were referring ot the girl in the picture in the post, Not you Erin.

Erin O'Brien said...

In that case, Joe, I apologize to Ted and Fred.

Um, Ted and Fred, sorry about that. I guess the interwebs are getting the better of me today.

As for my response, Joe, yes "more money for me" (what you said in your post) really is the problem.

Striving for "a better life" (what you wrote here in the comment section) is a completely different objective.

That you seem to equate the two doesn't surprise me. For generations, Americans have equated success with bigger houses, bigger cars and bigger paychecks. Money has become more important than quality of life for far too many Americans. Greed poisons everything. It makes you want what you don't have and fail to appreciate what you do have.

Anonymous said...

As Joe has explained for most working Americans has some sort of retirement plan which is linked to the stock market. The last numbers I could find was around 52% of workers have that link, it might be even higher when you count retirement accounts run through or by labor unions. Yes, the same labor unions that are joining the protestors. We have already seen what happens when the stock market crashes, no matter who's fault. The only people immune to this rise and fall are for some reason our elected officials in Washington. Now if you want to get all pissed, demand term limits, the ability to recall, and someone to fix this fucked up tax system. Speaking of taxes, CORPORATIONS DO NOT PAY TAXES, CONSUMERS PAY TAXES. So increase taxes, the corporation pass's the cost to the consumer. Now I guess a law could be passed to prevent the corporation from passing the tax, but then lower profits would eventually push the corporation to do something to improve profits as demanded by those 52% of investors, so they move production overseas and the 52% drops to 50% because when your job leaves so does your 401K.

James Old Guy

CnC said...

From the looks of that college girl that can't spell the word "feild" she better try selling drugs instead of her body.
I barely graduated high school and if it wasn't for spell check I wouldn't even attempt to write a blog, but damn, feild? Really?
I have heard reports that the main proponents of this protest are very anti semantic and are blaming the " evil Jews who are in control of Wall Street" for all the problems in the world. Whoever started this bullshit, their motivation is to destroy our system and replace it with the same horseshit that is running, ruining countries like Greece.
PS. Erin, I was not talking about you.

Rita said...

I've been reading quite a bit about these idiot protesters and rarely do any of them make any sense. At first I was a bit suspicious, but then watching the labor unions move in I knew what was really behind them.

And as CnC stated above, keep looking deep enough and you will find the truth is the underlying hatred of the Jews and Israel.

I've been watching the OccupyIndy group on facebook. At least they are peaceful, but their postings are hilarious. They rant against the corporations and the next post talk about some company sending them food and if they only got more corporate sponsors they could do even more.

All of the great videos of the cops "beating" the NY idiots show all of them standing there, recording the events with their IPhones and IPads and laptops.

I keep hoping for some video when the cops haul out the firehoses and wash the filth out of the city.

I'll agree to donate some serious cash to funding for these socialists to hop on a boat and sail off to their utopia socialist country.

Erin O'Brien said...

From Business Insider: Here's What The Wall Street Protesters Are So Angry About--a simple series of charts and simple numbers.

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