April 16, 2013

On Hardball

CHRIS MATTHEWS: Let me ask you about domestic terrorism as a category. Normally, domestic terrorists, people tend to be on the far right, well that’s not a good category, just extremists, let’s call them that. Do they advertise after they do something like this? Do they try to get credit as a group or do they just hate America so much or its politics or its government that they just want to do the damage, they don't care if they get public credit, if you will?
MICHAEL LEITER: What we'll see over the coming couple hours and days is lots of people taking credit for this. We'll probably have al-Qaeda take credit for it. We'll have domestic terrorists take credit for it. And it will be the responsibility of the FBI and the Boston police to figure out if any of those are actually real cases like Timothy McVeigh destroying the Oklahoma City courthouse federal building; no one took credit for that. So it might be some time or never that someone actually takes credit for this. Lots of people will say they were responsible for it.
MATTHEWS: I was just thinking, again, it's early; it's an early situation, but going after the Kennedy Library, not something at Bunker Hill, not something from the freedom trail or anything that kind of historic, but a modern political figure of the Democratic Party. Does that tell you anything? link

What say we take a look at the scorecard over the the past 50 years? Leading the pack is foreign terrorists at least in damage and bodies. If we look at the raw number of attacks, the left-wing groups from the 1960's and 1970's are the clear victors.  As for right-wing terrorists, you have Timothy McVey.

Here is a listing. if you look back over the past 100 years the leftists have committed more acts of terror than Muslims, Right-wingers, and just plain crazy combined.

Why would anyone watch this duchebag, Chris Matthews?  His credibility is zero.Matthews clearly lacks a fundamental understanding of history.  He is blinded by his leftist political beliefs. Matthews does not even have the good grace to apologize to the 50% of Americans he slanders on a routine basis.


Woodman said...

Well, Timmy was a Neo-Nazi... not sure if that counts as a conservative group either.

Woodman said...

And wow, did you read how they have the Left and Right split up on that page?

Puerto Rican Nationalists are leftist and the KKK is conservative. Despite the fact that the KKK was a progressive organization founded by Democrats? White Supremists are Right Wing? And Extreme Christians are too?

What would happen if Jerimiah Wright were to act or inspire someone from his sermons? Would people's heads explode trying to categorize it?

Fuzzy Curmudgeon said...

Matthews once again speculates where angels fear to tread...did I not read that the JFK Library explosion was not a bomb, but rather a fire in an electrical room or something like that? And it was being considered coincidental, unrelated to the Marathon bombing?

So basically Matthews ain't got a leg to stand on? Would that he wasn't just crying crocodile tears for the innocent folks who suddenly find themselves in the same situation this morning.

Cappy said...

Knew it wouldn't be long before the Kubiyah Crowd show's it's traitorous colors.

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