March 26, 2014

Since you are tired of my insane political rantings

Some days I think I fell through the looking glass into a bizzaro world. I think I am a modern Rip Van Winkle where America has turned exactly 67 degrees off course. Companies are in front of the Supreme Court arguing about the benefits they pay their employees. Russia invades neighboring countries and our President announces he is going to cut two of the most effective weapon systems we have, with no replacement alternative in the pipeline. The First Lady takes a vacation to China and refuses to allow the press to accompany her and the media is OK with that. We celebrate sustained unemployment levels of 7% or more as a "recovery". Gas prices have tripled, and the administration is refusing to allow new pipelines to be built.

The enemies of Israel proclaim they will never agree that Israel is a legitimate Jewish State, yet our Secretary of State argues it is Israel that is holding up the peace process.

Schools subject the kids to lunch inspection, and in some cases ban sack lunches from home. School kids are suspended for shaving their head in support of fellow students fighting cancer, and little boys are punished for being little boys and biting a pop tart into the shape of a gun. Imaginary bows shooting imaginary arrows are handled as if the miscreant had actually shot a fellow student. parents sue soccer leagues because their kid who is sadly confined in a wheelchair cannot compete with the active two-legged players.

I have been told about the dangers of mercury my whole life and through the vote of politicians I now have to replace perfectly functioning light bulbs in my house with mercury-filled bulbs that cost ten times more in the name of preventing Global Warming despite the fact that there has not been any warming for 17 years. The models are so inaccurate they cannot even predict the weather going back in time.

I think common sense has disappeared, a victim of political correctness and pure ignorance. I am so tired of tilting at windmills. I stand alone shaking my fist at hurricane-force winds of change I do not understand.


Rita said...

And I wanted to roll my eyes the other day when they evacuated some school for days in end because some kid brought some mercury to school.

Ok, I know it's not safe, but I can still remember my mom letting us play with the mercury that was on the floor when a thermometer broke when we were little.

That was some cool stuff. It's really really heavy. We rolled those little beads around on the floor for some time.

Come to think of it, maybe that's what's wrong with my brother. ;D

Ricki said...

Well said. You are not alone.

Fuzzy Curmudgeon said...

Indeed. You are Legion.

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