July 11, 2014

I'm not dead

I just have been doing other stuff. What, I can't really say. It is not that it is a secret, I just don't know what I have been doing instead of blogging.

I have a question for you. A couple of weeks ago a Federal Judge tossed Indiana's gay marriage ban. Hundreds of couples went to the courthouse, paid for and received a marriage license. They then paid a magistrate or other official to perform the ceremony. I presume many had cakes and receptions and such. In each and every case throughout the State the marriage was legal and binding.

Several days after the judge ruled the State got a stay on the ruling. No more same-sex couples could be married. These things will have to play out in court. Earlier this week the Governor declared all of those same-sex marriages null and void. WTF? How can the government go back and declare something illegal retroactively?  I call bullshit. I am not a big fan of lawsuits, but there needs to be a class action suit filed ASAP. Indiana owes those people their fees and costs, if nothing else.  Governmental over-reach is wrong, no matter what political party letter follows the politicians name.

What do you think?


Anonymous said...

I blame the judge, most other states that has had a judge over rule the legislature has ordered a stay to avoid the bullshit that happened. The judge knew what would happen, so did the couples that ran to get married. The government needs to get the hell out of marriage and change the tax laws to recognize any relationship that would appears to be a marriage. On the other hand I can't find a damn thing in the Constitution about marriage, other than the vague connection because most marriages are religious services. Mine weren't but I only needed to prove to the state certain things and give them a blood test. I have no problem with gay marriage, I don have problems with the gay agenda.

James Old Guy

Anonymous said...

I do have a problem with the Gay Agenda,, IE GAY PRIDE PARADES, bullshit, we don't have Straight Pride Parades.

Correction to the above.


Anonymous said...

I'm with you James. The state should get out of the marriage business.


Fuzzy Curmudgeon said...

I don't see any reason for the government to recognize marriage for the purpose of taxation.

Get rid of all the junk in the tax code, go to a flat tax or at least a much simplified tiered tax, and have only one filing status. If you want to get married, fine; being married automatically sets your default beneficiary as your spouse. If you're single, you can specify that by filing a simple notarized form.

But yes, all marriage should be by legal contract, either lay or ecclesiastical, and the government's involvement should be limited to the filing of such properly-executed and witnessed contracts with the County Recorder.

Fuzzy Curmudgeon said...

I also think the state should get out of the business of regulating abortions. After all, the segment of the population that wants abortion to be free and legal is simply signing its own death warrant. All the pro-lifers would have to do at that point would be to outbreed them.

The state gets into some truly stupid shit. It ought to learn that it should stay out of things that are personal in nature, but it simply can't help itself.

Fuzzy Curmudgeon said...

James, we don't have to have Straight Pride Parades, because we're comfortable in our own skins.

The only people who have to draw attention to themselves in this manner are people who are uncomfortable with the decisions they've made in life. They figure if they make a big deal about it, they will somehow justify themselves to the rest of the world, when in point of fact the rest of us think they're just sad.

Anonymous said...

So, we have 4th of July parades and celebrations because we are ashamed of our fight for freedom. Following this logic, we grow beards and wear funny caps because our decision to not become the captain of a whaling ship makes us uncomfortable.

Fuzzy Curmudgeon said...

Don't take it too far, idiotonomus.

Anonymous said...

There she blows!

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