July 29, 2014

Remember when the Democrats claimed Bush was an out of control despot?

I was listening to local talk radio this morning. The national news at the news break described a story about the Obama Administration dumping illegals in various states, including Tennessee. The Governor of the Volunteer State was outraged that the Feds would bring a significant group of people to the State without notifying anyone.  According to the news reader, the Administration said they did not notify the State government because of the illegals "privacy rights".
  White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest told reporters that the illegal immigrant children have a right to privacy. He said privacy rights of the illegals are more important than the public’s right to know what’s happening.

What?  Want documentation?  How about this?

"I still have not been contacted and have no information about these individuals or their sponsors other than what was posted on the HHS website.”


Ed Bonderenka said...

What privacy rights?
They don't have any documentation!
How would we know who they are?

Anonymous said...

King Obama is convinced he can do anything he wants, and sadly he is probably right.

James Old Guy

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