July 15, 2014

The silence of the leftist lambs

Americans are always going to disagree over politics and policy. It is part and parcel of our national political fabric. Despite the hand-wringing of pundits, the political discourse has often been just as dysfunctional and often more so in the history of our country. I do not agree politically with several people I know. But I rarely doubt their sincerity, nor the notion we all want what is best for our Nation.

I am very disappointed and concerned over the lack of response, nay outrage, of those on the left regarding the political targeting of the IRS (notice NO ONE claims it did not happen) and the "dog at my email" cover-up.  When the bureaucracy is turned on private American citizens we should all be very afraid. The hypocrisy of the Democrat Party in this matter is disappointing and disgusting. The party that deigns to label itself as the party of the common man is turning a blind eye to the abuse of the common man.  All in the name of protecting its own.

Nixon tried to use the IRS to go after his political enemies, and the corruption of that period is an anathema to us all. Yet some of the very people who worked at the Justice Department preparing the case against Nixon and his cronies are silent on this matter (yes, I am talking about Hilary Clinton among others). I find the hypocrisy revolting. It is shameful. No matter your politics, the IRS scandal should be repulsive and people like Lois Lerner should be reviled.

If you are not outraged, if you are not angered, if you are not disgusted, then your silence speaks volumes about your character and your honor.


Ed Bonderenka said...

Nobody wants to believe that this president has evil intent.

Anonymous said...

What is even more disappointing is the number of people who agree with those intentions and agree the means justify the end.


Fuzzy Curmudgeon said...

There would be no need for the IRS if the 16th Amendment had not been passed.

I blame Woodrow Wilson, that elitist progressive son of a bitch. Better for us all had he been strangled at birth.

Anonymous said...

Amen. No Wilson no FDR


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