August 9, 2014

A sneaky non-post post

Maybe you noticed.  Probably you did not. I have not posted much this week. Usually when I don't put something on the old blog for a few days I have about thirty-eleven posts written in my head and ready to go. Not this time.  I've got nuthin'

Oh, I could tell you it is cloudy and it might rain. I could bore you to tears about my plans to mow the yard later. We could discuss this strange impulse to scratch my right elbow. No one wants to read any of that shit. Well guess what? The joke is on you because i just wrote about all of it. And you read it.


Jean said...

You wrote it here so I don't have to at my place. Thank you.

Ed Bonderenka said...

Stealing this!

hey teacher... said...

I was hoping to lift something from here for my first day of class, but I don't think 6th, 7th @ 8th graders will be riveted by the tale of the elbow itch. Unless, of course, I spiced it up with a couple of zombies.

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