The cool thing about deflategate is that I can republish old stuff. You gotta love the classics.
Look, I will say this, The Colts lost that game. The Patriots were better. Period. Deflated footballs had nothing to do with the Colts inability to tackle.
But cheating is cheating. Writing that algebra formula on your forearm only helps you get one answer correct, but get caught and you still fail the tst.
I will also say this, NFL players are craftsmen. They are experts in their field. A quarterback knows exactly how a ball should feel. I do not buy for a moment Brady did not know the balls were deflated by 15%. Ask any craftsman and he knows intimately the feel of each one of his tools. Eleven out of twelve balls indicates something nefarious.
If I gave answers to 11 out of 12 students who were taking the ISTEP I would very quickly be saying, "Welcome to Walmart!".
No you don't replay the game. You slap Brady and Bilgepump with hefty, I mean HEFTY fines. Owners too. And the money goes to the Colts favorite charities.
The whole thing is BS, the officials handle the balls on every snap. The Colts were man-handled on each and every play, the press is pushing this non issue. I guess covering a non issue is easier than asking obozo hard questions.
James Old Guy
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