April 10, 2015

Lurking just below the surface

Spring.  My least favorite of the seasons.

Have you ever had your head cranked tight in a vice  vise. Then you sneeze every five minutes? Add in a constant desire to sleep. Welcome to my world. Pollen, weather, perhaps the very clouds are all combining to make this a crappy day so far. I suspect I will be short-tempered and irritable, so if you are looking for an argument, bring it on. Otherwise, I am going to have to bite my tongue lest I bite my fair spouse's head off over something trivial that will rub me like sandpaper. I have a strong tendency to be a jerk when I don't feel good. It has taken me fifty plus years to recognize this trait and try to forestall a quick appearance from my alter-ego, Mr. Asshole.


Fuzzy Curmudgeon said...

Never felt like I had my head cranked in a vice; I don't tend to get addicted to things.

But I have felt from time to time like my head was cranked in a vise.

Orthography matters :)

Ed Bonderenka said...

Local honey has immunogens for your area.
Vendor was just by who raises bees for that purpose only.
He swears it's cured all his allergies.
Sells off enough honey to pay for his.
Like I used to do with dope.

Joe said...

Either I am an idiot or I blame the iPad autocorrect. The choice is yours. Still, it is a failure in proofreading. That too is a common feature of this blog.

Joe said...

Never heard of the honey cure. I will have to try it. My allergies are nearly as bad as they used to be. In high school I had to take daily drops and occasional shots.

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