August 28, 2015


Can we just move on? Hurricane Katrina was a decade ago.


Ed Bonderenka said...

Anything to distract from the present corruption.

Anonymous said...

Never miss a chance to blame Bush.


Fuzzy Curmudgeon said...

We were there in 2010 for a conference, and frankly, other than a few homes that were boarded up and moldy as hell, you'd never know they'd had a hurricane and flooding five years earlier.

Admittedly we spent most of our time downtown (and never got to the other side of the river, where I guess there was a lot of damage), but we came in on the train and saw a lot of new construction in areas that had apparently been flooded out. It's not like the city was ignored and left to rot (which I seem to recall was the general consensus of a lot of people at the time).

And people still think FEMA is supposed to be there as soon as the winds die down. Federal Emergency MANAGEMENT Agency. They coordinate relief, they don't actively assist. That's why they always advise having 2 to 3 days' worth of supplies to fend for yourself after a disaster -- excellent advice that got overwhelmed in the beat-down the networks administered.

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