July 30, 2016

Close call

I went to the surgeon yesterday. I go back and start over on Monday, just as I expected.  After the doctor visit we met our best friends for a burger. They were in town to pick up her car after some service work. The came on the motorcycle. On the way home he was in front, she in the car behind, when he hit some wet pavement and lost control of the bike. Thank God he was wearing a helmet. A broken rib, torn thumb ligaments and lots of bruising is the extent of the damage. Like I said, I don't have anything to complain about.

So, anyway, I am moseying along this weekend with shitty vision in one eye, and blurry vision in the other. I can see as well as ever in the right eye,  everything in the left looks like I am viewing the world through a frosted shower door. No more lying on my back! Until Monday. I rewarded myself for being a good patient by going to the mall after supper and purchasing a new Chicago Cubs hat. We were there when we learned about our friend's wreck.

So there you have it. No politics. Nothing of interest. Have a great Saturday.

1 comment:

Jean said...

Hope you enjoy your weekend.
Motorcycles are scary.

Will be thinking about you on Monday.

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