April 22, 2020

I’ve been missing you

Earth Day is off to a cool start. It is supposed to warm to nearly seventy this afternoon. The stiff breeze from yesterday seems to have dissipated. I may celebrate the pseudo holiday by spraying the lawn for weeds. I have to check the label on the weed killer. Rain is scheduled to move in tonight and I don’t want Mother Nature to dilute my poison in a stealth counteroffensive.

Is it weird that after being stuck under almost house arrest conditions for a month I feel I need a vacation? I just want to get out of here. I see the crowds on the newly reopened Florida beaches and wish I was there. I have spent a significant amount of my working life traveling and I am itching to get on the road; personally, professionally, randomly. I could, I have beaucoup hotel points. I am only stopped by bat soup flu restrictions, and lack of money. Mostly lack of money. The wife would go.  Just a fake threat to twist her arm and the suitcase would be on the bed and packing would be underway.

So it goes.


Practical Parsimony said...

Poison the earth on Earth Day. Give the grass a break today.

Fuzzy Curmudgeon said...

Poison the earth and turn on all your lights tonight, even though Earth Hour was last month. Start your cars and let them warm up and drive around the neighborhood a few times to prevent flat spots in your tires. Start a fire in your fireplace tonight. Eat good red meat for dinner, cooked on your backyard grill.

Earth Day, bah. Hippie stuff. Tell the Chinese to stop polluting. Oh, wait, they already did, because of the virus they decided not to tell the rest of the world about until it was too late.

Joe said...

Screw Earth a Day has always been my position

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