August 30, 2020

Be nice to the people who can spit in your food

This Sunday dawns bright and clear. It looks to be a gorgeous day. I will be cooped inside working my part-time hours at the big box. If you have never had the “pleasure”, retail is a real lesson in sociology. In short, some people are just jerks. The store where I work is situated on the edge of an old blue color town and the affluent suburbs of Indy that have expanded northward. Thus, I get the gamut from white trash to wealthy suburbanite. Usually, the white trash is nicer. I’ve been whistled for like a dog, given the “hey you” treatment, and berated because items aren’t in stock, usually by people who think of me as their domestic help. The good thing about required face masks is they cover the disdain I harbor for these rude people. 

The fact is most of the people I work with are good hard-working folk. They are retirees looking to supplement their income, people working second jobs, or young people starting out. Most want to do a good job. Few deserve the treatment that is heaped on them from a larger percent of the customers than you imagine. But I have to add that many interactions are with good, nice, and appreciative customers too; probably a majority fall in this category. It is the rude assholes that make the day long. There is a reason it’s called retail hell.

End of rant. I didn’t intend to go down that path when I started typing this morning. I had another topic in mind completely. That’s what happens when you click here, it is always, and I mean always, stream of consciousness. I might have a general idea of a topic, but I never plan or outline a post. If research is needed, I stop and do it. “Yes, Joe, we can tell”, is your likely response. So it goes. I might add, I rarely go back and edit beyond a hopeless and futile effort to fix spelling and grammar. 

If I wanted to be successful at this dying hobby I should probably work at it more. Think of it more as what you would get if we were to have a near daily conversation. Yeah, sadly this blog is a lot like talking to me direct with out my definitely not fit for radio voice. Sad ain’t it?

Have a great Saturday.

1 comment:

Practical Parsimony said...

I worked retail for my first job. Yes, there were those people who were awful.

While I was in Belk, making a purchase, I was standing near the register so I could hold onto something. A woman came up all hoity toity and got in line, sort of. When it was my turn, she stepped quickly in front of me. I said, "I am next." She said, "But, I just have a few questions and one thing to buy,and I am in a hurry." I repeated what I had told her and also said I was having trouble standing and only had one item. She said, (are you sitting down?) "But, my husband is a doctor!" I said something and she told me what her husband did again, this time sputtering about needing to ask some questions.

Finally, I said to her in a volume to match hers, "Then, why don't you take some of his money and go buy some lessons in manners?!" At least a dozen people heard this. The people behind her were smirking.

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