August 18, 2020

lying liars and the lies they tell

The Democrats want us to believe that unless anyone who wants to can mail in a vote, regardless if they are eligible or not, the election will be fraudulent. Huh? Somehow the long-running financial troubles of the USPS has turned into a conspiracy to disenfranchise people of color. Huh? The USPS has the capacity to handle any number of ballots. They handle that volume every Christmas. They handle that volume every day already. And, just like your Christmas cards, if you mail your ballot at the last minute it might not arrive in time. That’s no evil Republican plot, it is reality.

If you can go to a grocery store, go to a restaurant, go to school, protest in the streets, then you can go to the polls on Election Day. There is nothing sinister in a community center, church, school, or firehouse that makes you more likely to catch the Wuhan Flu while voting. No matter what Michelle, never proud of her country, says, no one is trying to stop you from voting. 

What say we do some math? Don’t worry, I’m a history major so it will not be complicated. Say it takes two minutes to cast your vote. Assume 500 people vote at your precinct. That means it will take 1000 minutes total to cast all of the votes in a normal election. Today we might have to stand further apart while waiting to cast our ballot. So yes, the lines will be “longer” in terms of length. They may stretch down the block instead of just out the door, but only because people are standing further apart. It will still take two minutes each for five hundred people to vote, for a total of 1000 minutes. Nothing will change.

No one will need to put on comfortable shoes and bring their brown bag lunch and be prepared to spend all night to vote against the Bad Orange Man. Michelle is full of...hyperbole. It is an election, not a ticket line for a 1981 Bruce Springsteen concert. Get a grip.

One more thing. If polling places are being consolidated or closed, that is a local decision. The Feds are not now nor ever in charge of elections. Neither Orange Man Bad nor Cocaine Mitch have anything to do with it. In Indiana, for instance, elections are a county matter. If a polling place is closed in a minority neighborhood in Indianapolis, then the blame falls on the Democrats, who control Marion County. 

Will no one  in the media call out the blatant lies?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Trump 2020. Now, more than ever!

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