January 18, 2021

I have always hated the title of this blog

It is Monday, a new week. A dusting of snow lies on the ground. Cold air leaks in the office window as I type on the ancient laptop keyboard. I stare at the cursor and realize yet again I have nothing to offer here at the old blog. I could talk about last night's dinner (I made lasagna). I could grumble about work. I could toss up a righteous rant about the Astrix and Kaaaamela; reminding you that you are about to get a dose of what you voted for good and hard. I could whine about the Cubs or bore you to tears with photos or music or old jokes. In other words, the same stale content. 

I just don't have it in me any more. I am just short of sixteen years of posting nearly every day. I have written almost 7,000 posts*. To what purpose?  

I first started blogging because I worked in an office by myself. My company was in Italy and I had little contact with the outside world unless I was on the road. I was in a bad place and needed to vent. I spent much of the time writing this blog as a travelling salesman. Life on the road is a solitary existence, despite your preconceptions. Hours in the car, sitting in airports, dining alone, staring at a hotel TV. A few hours with customers. But I saw stuff and experienced stuff that occasionally made for good blog fodder. 

That life is behind me for now. Someday soon I hope to get back to what I love and am good at. I remain optimistic.  Maybe then I will have some new stories.

I seems to me content is a shell of what it once was**. I am bored by it, you have to be. 

I am taking a break. It might be for a day, it might be a month. It might be forever. I just don't know. I will still read your blogs. I will still read your comments. I just will not be writing here for now. It will be no great loss. I suspect the Google Overlords are going to shut it down for insurrectionist content in the coming crackdown anyhow. No, despite my penchant for sarcasm, that was not written tongue in cheek. 

So long for now and I thank you for you patronage. The fact that you read here at all is humbling. I lack the vocabulary to express how much it means to me to know you bothered to stop by, whether it was once or 6,961 times. 

Who knows, perhaps the new administration will tick me off so much I cannot resist the temptation to comment. Maybe I will run across a joke so funny that I will just have to share. Maybe life will toss me a fast ball thigh high I can hit out of the park instead of yet another curve. You will be the first to know. Or not. I think time away is what is needed most.

Thanks for everything, mon amis.

*6,961, but who is counting?
** I make no claim that it was ever good on a regular basis. But I think I did throw up a few good entries overt the years -- you know monkeys, typewriters, etc.


Ralphd00d said...

Whatever you feel like you need to do - 'course, like what can I do about it? Loved being a reader here for many years, Joe! Go Hot Dogs!

Jean said...

Sometimes, a break is good.
I predict and hope you'll be back in the not too distant future.

Anonymous said...

I would be saddened greatly if you stopped sharing you thoughts. Believe it or not, your life is more exiting than a lot of our lives!

Fuzzy Curmudgeon said...

You will be missed. Best of luck, and when you do come back, we'll have the coffee on.

Melissa said...

You will be missed - I enjoy our time.

Cappy said...

Come back soon. Bring those monkeys and typewriters.

Luap57 said...

Thanks for being on the menu of my daily entertainment. Best wishes.

Jackie said...

Although I do not agree with you politically AT ALL, I have always enjoyed reading your blog and hearing your take on things. You are reasonable to talk to and listen to the other side. I will miss your posts, and I hope that you are able to rest and recharge and return soon.
Jackie in CA

Ed Bonderenka said...

I will miss coming here. A daily habit.

Cindy: Long Time Blogger said...

Oh no! Where can I go now to read a joke or two or smile at least once a month if you are gone? You were my only bright spot in this interweb. No body cares about me. No body loves me.

Joe said...

Thank you all for your kind words.

Right now I am planning only a hiatus.

Forever is a long time.

B said...

You will be missed.

But we all ahve to recharge periodically.

We will be here when you decide to return.

squeeky's mom said...

Thanks for all the thoughts and jokes. Please don't stay away to long. You are the 2nd blog I open every morning and often have to call a friend in Tx and read her your jokes. Been trying to post but the google doesn't like me anymore. I'm having to change my password every day and even then I haven't been able to post. Oh, I know you didn't want to become a food blog but you could maybe post your lemon cake recipe on your next b'day.

hey teacher... said...

I don’t read your blog everyday, but when I do I read a bunch. I was looking forward to some rants on my man Joe & company. Wishing you high tides and green grass forever, no matter where your path takes you.

Ed Bonderenka said...

Hey! Come back here! I'm talking to you!

Jean said...

ahem. It's been twelve days.

Joe said...

I know. I’m trying to not comeback full of vitriol and disgust

Random life slices are not too entertaining and most of my life sucks these days and complaining isn’t cool

Jean said...

OK. So for now, deep breaths, deep breaths.

Cappy said...

Currently working on a move to the Greater Indianapolis Metroplex.

That should open things up!

Joe said...

Welcome to hoosierland

Those of us in the poorer part of the northern ‘burbs welcome you

Practical Parsimony said...

I do like your blog. Tell us jokes. And, keep us posted on your life.

Anonymous said...

Hello. Can you hear me?

Anonymous said...

Wow. Social media truly sucks these days, doesn't it?

Hello goooooogle overlords.

Ol' Fred

Joe said...

Ola Fred

Long time. I miss you

Anonymous said...

I miss you guys too HB! You, Ed, Jean. Even Og. ;) Please don't go anywhere. Cuz sometimes I actually get a minute to check in on y'all. And there have been enough things lost in the last 11 months, thanks to the kung flooo sent over by plugs' the cheater's bosses/buddies.

Jean said...

Is that the real Freddie?? Hey, Girl!

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