April 28, 2021

That is how it is done

Yesterday was about as close to a perfect weather day we get this time of year — pleasantly warm sans overwhelming humidity. It was a little windy, but you can’t have everything. 

The wife cut out early to get her hair done and then visit a friend. I was left to entertain the girls. We went to the park and then played outside until time for them to leave.

I then mowed the yard. Trimming and blowing complete, I retired to the patio and enjoyed a hard earned and well deserved hand rolled cigar. I had a diet root beer to cool my pallet. Really. Classic rock soothed my weary body as the fragrant smoke drifted away. 

Finished, I came in and fixed a skillet dinner of hamburger, onion, tomatoes and macaroni. I seasoned it up Italian style. The dishes fit right in the dishwasher. I plopped on the couch and doze-watched the Cubs fail to hit the ball in yet another loss.

So it goes.

1 comment:

Ed Bonderenka said...

That's a good day.

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