May 18, 2021

Elections do have consequences

President * gives money to Iran and the Palestinians and surprise, rockets start landing in Israel. 

President * says we are no longer going to deport illegals, and that the borders are just imaginary lines on a map and surprise, we have a crisis at the border.

President * says we are going to limit drilling and fracking for oil and surprise, gas prices skyrocket.

We have elected the Urkel of Presidents, “Did I do that?”.

But at least he doesn’t tweet mean things.


Anonymous said...

Still don't believe we elected him.

Prove it. ...Triple dog dare ya.


Practical Parsimony said...

Mean tweets do obfuscate reality and have people tilting at specters of an imagination.

Fuzzy Curmudgeon said...

He does what he's told to do by his puppeteers. I doubt he has sufficient grey matter left to come up with this stuff on his own.

Jackie said...

Rising gas prices have nothing to do with ANY president. In this case, all of the weather problems in Texas and a shortage of drivers licensed to transport gasoline have led to a shortage. During the pandemic, almost no one was driving, so demand for gas dropped. So drivers, many out of work, left the profession or retired. As soon as new drivers can be licensed, more gasoline can be transported.
There really is NOT a conspiracy theory about everything!
Your loyal but liberal reader in California, Jackie.

Anonymous said...

������ Yeah, he really did!

Joe said...

Jackie, drilling less equals less supply means greater demand equals higher prices.

Prices were climbing before the weather and before the pipeline fiasco.

They will keep rising.

Anonymous said...

Jackie, when Biden shut down the Keystone XL pipeline gas rose the same day. The dealers wanted their profits now rather than wait because they knew there would be a gas shortage. Ain't brain surgery. Just common sense. Has nothing to do with the liberal crack kool aid you and your other Dems have been drinking.


Ed Bonderenka said...

What Alicia said.

Cappy said...

If shutting down Keystone was a day 1 priority, why would the Biden administration object to other pipeline shutdowns?

Anonymous said...

For 4 years the Dems mocked, denounced, reviled and accused Russia and Putin of being the devil in disguise. All of our ill were tied to them.
Yet less than 6 months of being in office he lifts sanctions on Russian pipelines to Europe giving them huge access and influence to the European market. Now he's their friend. Typical Dems.

Anonymous said...

Who reaaly did? Of what "he" do you speak?

(Also, the question mark works fine without being surrounded by diamonds.)


Jackie said...

The Keystone pipeline had nothing to do with US oil supply; it was all being shipped out of the country. And, Alicia, I don't do crack OR drink Koolaid. Joe's blog has always been a place where I felt that I, as a more liberal person, or anyone could express his opinion politely without name calling. I hope that it continues to be that way.
Jackie in CA

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