May 26, 2021

Not-so Golden Arches

I have had issues on and off with my right foot for several years. It started when I had a bad ankle sprain and never got it treated. I started walking on the outside of my foot to ease the pain. Coupled with exceedingly high arches, this tendency has caused occasional bouts of pain caused by repeated stress fractures. 

About a month ago my foot started to hurt. Really hurt. I bought some new shoes for work, but the pain only got moderately better. I decided to suck it up. I am a known complainer and noted wimp.  I was sure time would take care of this malady too. Still, to ease my wife’s constant nagging about my limp and swollen hoof, I decided to mention my sore foot during my regular scheduled doctor visit last Friday. He sent me for X-rays. 

I’m now the owner of one of those air cast boots. I have a broken foot. More specifically, a Jones Fracture.  The Medico says if it doesn’t heal I will need surgery. He also said based on my high arches I’ll likely face this problem again. Hooray for me. 

Life gets better and better around here. The Ortho Doc wants me off my feet for four weeks. My bills and bank account want me to work more hours. Health or electricity, food, and water. Choices indeed. There is no doubt the average of seven to ten miles I travel on hard concrete during a shift at the Big Box has contributed to this situation. I am just not sure how to fix the problem. I think my last hope is in lottery tickets I don’t buy.


Cheryl said...

I hope your foot heals but not being off it won't help.

Jean said...

Is there any chance Big Box has any kind of "light duty" work? Even working the registers for a while?

Practical Parsimony said...

And, you did hurt this at work, right?

Joe said...

No PP, not a work injury, it is a Jones Fracture — a product of my foot design and the way I walk. See the embedded link.

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