September 6, 2021

I just want to celebrate

Here we are on Labor Day, that union-inspired holiday where we celebrate our hard work by taking the day off. I can live with it. We are off today to celebrate at an end of summer pool party and cookout. A fine pork shoulder will be thrown on the smoker while we laugh and swim and have a beer or three to enjoy life, summer, and God’s glory. 

To make time for the festivities this afternoon, I mowed the yard yesterday. I trimmed the bushes out front.  I repaired the broken shelving in the wife’s closet. I watched several episodes of Mad Men. I even went to the store with the wife to stock up on groceries. 

You can get a lot done when you get up at 4:30 AM. 

1 comment:

Fuzzy Curmudgeon said...

Union-inspired because their traditional labor day was May Day, but the commies took that over. Back when the unions were just slightly less commie, they decided they needed another day to distance themselves from their ideological cousins.

Anyway, that's why we have Labor Day.

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