September 22, 2021

Listen, I've traveled every road in this here land!

Pull out your trusty old atlas and follow along. Today I did Seymour, Scottsburg, Hanover, Madison, North Vernon, Hope, Shelbyville and home. All in very heavy rain. I was soaked going in and out of customers. Many refused to let me even enter the lobby because of the creeping COVID. Cold calls were a bust. A few places on my list were closed for good, probably from the economic downturn last year. I did listen to a couple of history podcasts, a little radio, and some silence as I toured the hills and curves of Southern Indiana. The Ohio was fast and muddy at Madison. 

I’m always struck about place names. Madison is not in Madison county, but in Jefferson county. Jeffersonville is in Clark county. Jefferson, the town, is in Clinton County. Clinton, the town, is in Vermillion county. Clarksburg is not in Clark county, but rather in Decatur county. And of course Decatur, the city, is not in Decatur county, but in Adams county. Adams, the town, is in Decatur county. Confused? At least Scottsburg is in Scott county. There is that. 

I do it all again tomorrow, heading south and west towards the Territorial Capital. I suspect the Wabash will be fast and muddy too. I’ll report. You won’t care.

That’s how it works. 


Jean said...

How's the foot holding up with all the driving, etc?

Joe said...

Driving, fine. Other times, not so much.

I have pain pretty much to equal to before the surgery. By bedtime my foot is very swollen. In other words it is like I went through all of that for nothing. I have shoe inserts to support my arch when I’m not wearing high support running shoes, but it makes little difference. I go back to the doctor in a couple of weeks.

I’m hoping time makes all good.

Fuzzy Curmudgeon said...

From Needmore to Prosperity: Hoosier Place Names in Folklore and History (Indiana)

Though the few reviews for it aren't favorable.

Practical Parsimony said...

I emailed you.

Joe said...

Answered PP

Cappy said...

We actually have a place named Cleveland in Ohio!

Relieve it or Rot!

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