October 7, 2021

Plans change

Things change. Instead of wandering around Kentucky Wednesday and Thursday. I just hit a couple of customers yesterday and headed back north across the Ohio into God’s favorite state. This morning found me in the office to pick up a delivery for an important customer in Cincinnati instead. So it goes. I have a quick customer visit on the books for Friday morning. By the time I get back to the office Friday I’ll have logged more than 1,300 miles since October 01. My ass is not in travel shape yet. I’m sore. Coming home from Ohio this afternoon was painful. 

I’m digging it. 

I don’t know why you would care, but I couldn’t get through “the Thin Man”. I may go back to it later, but in the interim I listened to a compilation of a couple of Louis L’Amour short stories in audiobook form. When I got bored I switched to my library of music or the radio. 

No political talk radio. We are polarized: I’m right and you believe nonsense if you don’t agree with me. Seriously, I’m appalled at most of the stuff everything the current administration is try to push and I can’t argue with your ignorance if you can’t see the dangers. 

Tomorrow is Friday and I’m ready for a couple of days off. 

Have a great evening.


Practical Parsimony said...

Did you see my last email?

Joe said...

I answered on Sunday

Cappy said...


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