November 17, 2021

I ain’t gonna make it

 I mentioned the other day my lowly blog output. We might as well collectively brace ourselves for a record low number of posts this year. You will be OK.

Taking off much of January and February contributed mightily. In review, I probably should have just retired my electronic pen. It is clear I am like that aging ball player that has tried to stick around long past his prime. Acknowledging in my case that my prime was in lowA ball or the Independent Leagues. Perhaps semi-pro even. Anyway, you get the point.

The “good” news for you is I do not have to hit the road until a little later this morning, so I have time to pen this nonsense. 

Can anyone explain how Kyle Rittenhouse is a white supremecist  racist when he shot white people? 

Wasn’t Biden going to bring civility back to the White House? Why in the world is he attacking Sarah Palin, who hasn’t mattered in politics for a decade? Plus, he screwed up the joke. 

Did you miss me? I just stepped away to plop some Doughboy cinnamon rolls in the oven.

Time to shower. Then eat a tasty hot roll from a tube.

 Boy, this was worth reading. Eh wot?


Practical Parsimony said...

Keep writing.

Greybeard said...

Virtually everything can be explained in two words:
"Karen says..."

Let's GO Brandon!

Anonymous said...

But we keep stopping by.

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