March 8, 2022


So last April I started having significant pain in my right foot. This wasn’t the first time I have experienced this. It has struck several times over the years. This time it didn’t pass after a week or two. 

In early May I broke down and complained to the doctor. He sent me for X-Rays and after the film showed a clear break I was sent promptly to an orthopedic specialist. I had what is known as a Jones Fracture.  The root cause was severely high arches. I did the walking boot thing, finally I had surgery in July. A screw was placed in my foot drawing the break together. I spent 12 weeks total in a boot including 4 weeks off the foot completely; getting around on crutches and a scooter.

That’s the recap. 

I returned to the Ortho Surgeon yesterday. My foot remains broken. It will not heal. It is not going to heal. It is not going to get worse. 

I can live with the pain discomfort or I can have another surgery. The next surgery will involve a bone graft and at least six weeks or more recovery — off the foot completely. Back on the crutches and scooter. A complete reconstruction of my foot may be necessary. If so, the healing will be even longer. 

I’m going to have to live with it for a while.  Taking a long time off without the ability to see customers on a new job is not a great option.  Maybe I’ll do it in the fall. None of the choices are good. 


Cheryl said...

I'm sorry, not any good choices for you.

Ed Bonderenka said...

Does it impact employment/income?
I'm serious here, I'm surprised there is no adhesive available.

Joe said...


The job is a big reason why I’m putting it off. I cannot afford a month or two off work. I won’t even say things are good economically, but they are better.

On the other hand I’m not sure how I’m going to stand all day for a week at the automation trade show in Detroit this June. Attending and working the booth is not optional.

Another factor is I don’t want to do the crawl up the stairs, crutches, one-legged dance depending on my wife for everything routine again. I’ll probably just learn to tolerate the pain. I am now. I have been for six months.

Anonymous said...

Please, please get second opinions from at least two other really top notch orthos/surgeons. Many of the top medical centers now do video consults. They look at your films and either confirm what your initial docs advise or suggest other options.

All the best, Ginger

Anonymous said...

There is a procedure for broken bones that don't heat that involves an electric current or something to promote healing or fusion or something. You see I know nothing except the electrical part. Maybe you can check it out.

Joe said...

Electric bone therapy will be part of the recovery if I opt for the surgery according to the Doc

Barb said...

As a gal who can walk (trudge) but cannot stand in one place, I suggest unless you feel it will give a terrible impression or the bosses will object that you opt for a decent stool to sit in, one with a back if possible. I did this at sales desks for years and yea, I know this is a bit different. Also if your insurance pays for it get thee to a pain doctor. for ways to deal and self treat.

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