April 23, 2022

Chinese Generals are Laughing

Politicians say dumb things. I think it is because the second oldest profession doesn’t necessarily attract our best and brightest. Our current Chief Executive is a prime example. Yesterday he proclaimed he was going to spend billions to make sure our military was “green”. 

“I’m going to start the process where every vehicle in the United States military — every vehicle is going to be climate-friendly. Every vehicle. No, I mean it. We’re spending billions of dollars to do it,” Biden said. Source

Ponder that for a moment. There we are, the 1st Amazon Brigade and the 53rd Trans Assault Force heading for yet another war in some Third World Shithole. The Humvees and the all new Harvey Milk Tank are rumbling along when the batteries run low. The momentum stops while the Brigade Charging Sergeant seeks the best charging stations. There are none. 

While the commander takes this opportunity to inspect the soldier’s pink triangle Unit Badge for cleanliness, insurgents open fire. US Servicepeople return fire with our non-metal biodegradable ammunition. Strangely, the soft soy-based bullets just bounce off the attackers. 

As the enemy closes in, the Captain of the Rainbow Company curls in the fetal position. Zir blue hair tumbling from Their helmet, tugging Zir nose ring crying “You must respect my oneness, I’m unique, I’m special”. 

The after-action report blames the total loss on the need to transport extra batteries and places the blame squarely on White Supremacy and claims the rebels were in MAGA gear, so they did not fight by the rules. 


Anonymous said...

I think an all-male force following Tucker Carlson’s advice on “testicle tanning” may be the answer. Have you tried it yet? 🤪

Scott said...

The Chinese Generals are laughing and now, thanks to you, so am I.

Greybeard said...

Wife and I were talking just yesterday...
"Knowing how corrupt the vocation is today, why would ANYONE go into politics?"
Oh wait...
That question almost answers itself, doesn't it?
How did Maxine Waters, (not the sharpest tool in our shed), become a multi-millionaire?

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