July 8, 2022

There was a time...

I read an article this morning from some dufus claiming the problem is not with SCOTUS, but with the Constitution. I’m not going to link to it. The article is wrong on so many points I don’t want to spread the author’s nonsense to even one unsuspecting reader. 

There was a time I would have spent an hour taking apart the erroneous positions and offering rebuttal based on history and actual words of the document itself. These days I don’t have the energy. 

Here are a few salient points you should know.

1. There was much concern about the Bill of Rights at adoption. Many feared future Americans would think the only guaranteed Rights were those listed. Thus, the 9th and 10th Amendments. Those of you who think the Court “took away your rights” in the recent Dobbs decision should read those Amendments. 

2. There is a means to amend the Constitution. Is it hard? Yes. It is designed that way too limit “the passions of the day”.

3. This country was and is a collection of States. Senators are by definition representatives of the States, that is why there is not equal representation. They were never supposed to be elected that way. That keeps the big states from dictating to the smaller states. Wyoming gets equal vote to California on purpose. Only a big state Democrat fails to understand why this is important. This is the same reason we elect the President through the electoral college. He is elected by the States, not the people.

This is not hard to understand, if you only try.

4. To argue the second amendment only applies to muzzle loaders is as stupid as saying the first amendment only applies to printed words or those scraped on parchment with a quill. 

Clearly one of the worst things to happen to the generations born after the late 1970s was cancelling Schoolhouse Rock.

1 comment:

Fuzzy Curmudgeon said...

Or simply not teaching civics in schools anymore.

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