April 10, 2023

Road trip

 I finally trudged through my emails from last week. Sheesh, sometimes it is not worth going on vacation. 

We have learned over the years that vacating Florida on a Saturday morning during spring break is not worth it. Traffic moves at a crawl on I-75 at least until Atlanta. We have started leaving Friday night and getting home mid-day on Saturday instead of O-Dark thirty on Sunday morning.

We left around 9:00 or so Friday night. I drove up the toll road and onto I-75. It started raining hard. The wife wanted me to keep driving until the weather got better. Finally its slacked off just short of crossing I-10 and I moved to the passenger seat. 

I woke just after the wife drove through Macon and she said she wanted me to drive through Atlanta. It was about 2:00 AM. As soon as I took the wheel it started raining again. 

I pulled into a rest park just after Chattanooga and slept for about 45 minutes. It was around 5 or so. I drove on toward Nashville since the wife was still snoozing. 

We stopped for breakfast near Nashville. After eating and coffee I was feeling good so I kept driving. We crossed back into Hoosierdom around noon. I finally got tired as we hit the south side of Indy, but I wasn’t stopping at that point. We pulled into the drive about 2:00 PM. The total drive time was 14.5 hours. Not bad at all.

Vacation is over and that is sad. But I am glad to be home.


Fuzzy Curmudgeon said...

I don't drive through Atlanta. The bypass to the west of town is easier on my nerves. But only marginally easier. Sherman did not burn Atlanta hard enough.

Joe said...

It is not bad during the overnight hours.

Jean said...

I-95 is easier until you need to jog left.

(somebody erased your comment from my 'I love words' post...?)

Practical Parsimony said...

I have driven to and through Atlanta with no problems. But, I was a young woman then. Vacation is wonderful, but getting back to your own home is wonderful.

Joe said...


I don’t know what happened. It wasn’t me.

I know blogger has been moving hundreds of old comments (and new) to my spam folder for the past few weeks, including my own comments!

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