June 24, 2023

What the bleep is wrong with people?

It looks to be a warm typical June-like Saturday. We have no particular plans until this evening. Back in March, my wife bought tickets to see Jeff Foxworthy for my birthday and the show is tonight. 

Last evening we went to the cinema, and yet again encountered members of the genpop who have no idea how to behave in public settings. From the lady a few seats down from my wife who clearly subscribed to the more is better theory when it comes to splashing on eye-watering amounts of perfume to the buffoon the row in front of us who could not understand the huge difference in viewing a movie at the theater and his living room couch. I have never wanted to smack someone about the race and head as much as this guy. He couldn’t shut his pie hole the entire movie, and he was not whispering either. *

As we were leaving, this jerkwad was telling his wife he would gather their trash, it is what he does, he is a mule. My sweet wife, who never says anything unkind muttered, “Well you are an ass anyway”. Score one for the spouse.  It took a great deal of self-restraint to not confront this ill-mannered moron as we left the theater. 

I listened to a combination of audiobooks and music during my 13 plus hours in the car this week. I cranked the volume when this tune came on my playlist. I haven’t heard it in ages.

Have a great Saturday. 

*This jerk actually shouted “Yes, Yes” and raised his arms as if he was Rocky at the denouement of the film. 

1 comment:

Ed Bonderenka said...

That tune resonates with road warriors.

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