September 2, 2023

Party On

I hope you have some fun scheduled for the holiday weekend. It appears we will have terrific weather here in god’s favorite State. For those who care, college football kicks off this weekend. I am more interested in the NFL games next week. It is okay, we don’t have to like the same stuff. 

The wife and I are meeting up with some friends to go to a music festival today. It looks like it will be a bit warm for the afternoon and evening part, but it beats overcast and cold. Old Henry Lee is the headliner. We have seen him dozens of times. There is no better entertainer in rock and roll; and that includes Springsteen.

I look forward to a great Saturday. I hope you have one too.

Some great shots of Broadripple back in the eighties in that video.

Apparently Jimmy Buffet has died. That dude entertained me too. RIP


Anonymous said...

That's who sang that? I know the song but did NOT know who sang it.

Dude's ROCKIN' the mullet.


Anonymous said...

You would have hated the show, Fred, one of the acts was a Mellencamp cover band.


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