October 25, 2023

Inconvenient Facts

Can we get a few things straight? 

Israel is not “colonizers”. There have been Jews living there for thousands of years. If you want sources beyond the Bible or Koran, the Roman historians Josephus and Livy describe it as such. If you refer to Israel as colonizers you are a moron. 

There is no apartheid in Israel. There are no required separate laws, buses, drinking fountains, hotels, schools, or restaurants for non-Jews. There are non-Jewish residents. They live, work, and vote as citizens of Israel. Gaza has been recognized as an independent territory. It elects it’s own governing body. In this case the residents of Gaza chose Hamas. Yes, they have separate ID and license plates. Indiana has separate ID and license plates from Ohio. Canada is different than the US. That doesn’t mean there is apartheid.

But there are checkpoints! Yes, we have them at the border (supposedly) also. Oh, and why you are in hysterics that Israel has a border checkpoint with the Gaza terrorists, you might note that Egypt has a border checkpoint with Gaza too. 

Why not drop the pretense and admit you hate Israel and stop with the petty excuses? The Jews are not the ones with a charter demanding the elimination of a people, that would be Hamas. Hamas continues to send rockets randomly into Israel targeting civilians, yet we are worried only about the collateral damage in Gaza. I suspect if terrorists were  dropping explosive rockets on your city and town you would have no issue retaliating. 

If you are part of the blame Israel crowd, you are no more than anti-Semitic nazis. 

As always there is rebuttal space in the comment section. More importantly, if I really offend you, there is no need for you to visit. I will be okay without bigots in my life.


Midwest Chick said...

Bravo and well said! Laid it out perfectly!

glasslass said...

What is amazing to me is how protester's look at you if you say it's wrong that Black people get into college with bad grades while Asian students with near perfect grades get rejected. You cannot be racist against Black people without being called a racist nazi. But you can be racist against all Jews in any form being applauded.

B said...

Yer trying to make sense of bigotry and hate by Leftists.

Can't be done. They are emotional and illogical, driven by hate, fear and the desire to be a part of the "In" crowd, wanna sit at the Cool Kids table, so they follow unthinkingly.

Asking a leftist to think logically is a waste of time.

Cappy said...

Thank you Joe!

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