November 12, 2023

a little of this a bit of that.

I have a cold. I’m guessing an ordinary person would be in the hospital. Instead, I slept in my office recliner and am fighting through my debilitating symptoms to post something this morning. 

You are welcome. 

Friday evening I cleaned up all of the leaves from the front yard. Today the lawn is covered. That means after the football game I will rise from my deathbed and try to clean them up yet again. That’s if the wife doesn’t have other plans. She noticed Christmas lights popping on in the neighborhood and dropped some hints last night. I shall resist right up to the point she quits hinting and starts asking me to go to the attic. 

Thanks for the kind review Luap.


Linda said...

Did you ever think this might be allergies? Raking leaves will do it. As I grew older, I developed October allergies. However, after over 30 years of October allergies, I think I have it licked and was not ill this year.
Practical Parsimony

glasslass said...

Mow over the leaves. Good mulch. Buy a leaf vacuum with a bag. As for lights on houses prior to Thanksgiving? For me it's after done on Black Friday or Saturday.
I've seen Christmas stuff in all the retail shops since August and I'm sick of it. Old fashion here. Lights and tree after thanksgiving otherwise we might just as well celebrate Thanksgivings, Christmas, Hanuka, Kawasaki and New Years all together. Happy ThChHaKaNY Holiday! Make it start on Thursday night, run Friday to Tuesday then back to work. No continuous pesky parties, potlucks, etc. Over and Done. Put up the lights and get them down, maybe Velcro, easy, peasy,

Really, 5 months of retail just trips my triggers. But most of all listen to Linda This could just be leaf allergy.

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