November 10, 2023

But while we were talking, I saw you nodding out

Friday at last. It has been a busy week. I drove my oldest son to the airport yesterday. It was great having him home. I miss him already.

After work I raked the leaves in the front yard. Most of the leaves are still in the tree, waiting until it is cold and gloomy before they fall, but I got a head start anyway. Mother Nature will wait until I put up my Christmas decorations then carpet the yard with leaves. She has a sense of humor like that. 

As for work, I will finish a massive quote of nearly six hundred items this morning. I have two final prices to calculate this morning and then check it thrice for errors before I submit it this afternoon. This account is 99% of my business, so a failure on my part or the company’s part will mean my job. Literally. I haven’t worked in a vacuum, costs and prices came with input from even the COO. Still, there is a high degree of stress involved. 

Have a great Friday. Here is some great music to make it so.

1 comment:

Linda said...

I know you will do an excellent job.

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