November 2, 2023

Five pounds of crap in a one pound bag

I had weird dreams last night. I suppose it was the pot of chili I made for dinner. No, I won’t bore you with the details. There was no nekid involved, so why would anyone care? 

It is cold again this morning. Fall is here. I have beaucoup leaves to rake. And so right on cue, the wife wants more and different yard work done. I have two admittedly overgrown lilac bushes beside the patio. It wasn’t a problem until we rearranged the family room. I installed new blinds on the windows to replace the old shades. Now she can see those lilacs and wants them cut down. And the leaves are unsightly. 

Yes, I get it. “That rake fits your hand,” I said. 

To myself. 

The problem is I live in the burbs. If it doesn’t fit into those two trash bins it doesn’t get picked up unless I pay for a disposable dumpster or hire it hauled away. Those two lilacs are probably eight feet tall. I don’t care how small I cut up the branches I won’t get even one of the bushes in a bin.  Oh, and don’t forget the bags of leaves have to go somewhere. And we do create trash and garbage inside the house too. Mumble, mumble, no point in griping further. It is supposed to be a little warmer this weekend, so it is outside work I’ll do. I’m sure “we” will discuss the big pile of cut-down lilac bush piled out by the big willow around this time next week. 

This seems appropriate.


Cappy said...

Hey! Look at all these mushrooms and this bag of oregano! Let's try this in the chili.

glasslass said...

Why on earth would you cut down a Lilac Bush. Beautiful flowers and a wonderful smell. I've had a client who bought a home because the people had flowering lilac. in full bloom when we walked outside and the look and smell sold them right then. But hand your wife the clippers and explain the problem and promise to help, you know, togetherness. Good luck.

Fuzzy Curmudgeon said...

I'd trim it back, myself.

But otherwise it's one of two things:

1) Burn it

2) Cut it up small enough so you can fit some of it into your bins every week until it's gone

And yeah, that rake does fit her hand. My wife might yell at me if I said that to her, but she'd have to admit I'm right. And she used to do yard work with me at the house.

Joe said...

Keep in mind I may just exaggerate for effect. She does a good job of helping on yard work.

I plan on just trimming back, even though she hates the smell when the lilacs bloom.

Cappy said...

Just tell her to calm down, Fuzzy.

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