January 7, 2024

Dear Indianapolis Colts

Seriously? You need one yard. If you don’t get it, then it is game over and season over. So instead of giving the ball to your highest paid and best player — the one who has kept you you in the game to this point — you decide to put your star on the bench and throw a pass attempt to the third string running back. The guy who caught six passes all f-ing  year. Bad pass, dropped ball. Clean our your lockers. See you next year. 

Let’s not forget your highest paid kicker who doinked another FG. 

Eighty-one days until meaningful baseball. Not sure I care, the Cubs are decidedly worse than last year at this point. And they missed the playoffs last year. 


dragonslayer said...

Yeah, see "Seahawks Super Bowl loss" several years ago. One yard from a touchdown, with four downs to win the Super Bowl. Should we hand off to arguably, the best running back in the NFL at that point? Nah, let's throw a pass to a nobody to throw the defense off. Intercepted, game over, lost Super Bowl. I know, everybody has a story. That's just the one that sticks with me, being a Seahawks fan at the time. Couldn't care less about any of them at this point.

Fuzzy Curmudgeon said...

We still play football in Indianapolis? I went all fall and so far all winter without having to hear a word about the Dolts. Or the NFL for that matter. I just don't care anymore. It's all BS.

And I made my feelings about the "new age" MLB clear a few posts down.

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