April 17, 2024

Honest Al’s Used Cars

The house next door is a rental. We have had some good neighbors and a few awful ones in that house. The best renter was asked to leave at the term of her lease because she complained about mold in the walls in the bathroom. Someone new moved in two days later, so I guess the landlord merely painted over the problem. 

The current occupant seems like a decent guy. He keeps the yard mowed, but does nothing else. He parks on the drive, not the garage. Not my business. I park my car in the driveway and the wife uses half the garage. The other half is stuff. It could be the neighbor’s garage is full of similar stuff. Again, I do not care. 

A few months ago a new car was dropped onto his drive by a tow truck. His brother moved in so there were three cars parked there. Last month another non-running vehicle showed up. Yesterday, he added two more cars to his collection. Now there are four cars in the driveway, one in front of his house and one in front of mine. 

My neighbor across the street called me to ask if the cul-de-sac was turning into a used car lot. It seems like it. Compared to the previous renter who stacked her excess furniture in the side yard (for months, not a day or two) and who  stored her garbage in the garden shed (probably six months worth) this doesn’t bother me too much. It does make things look a little trashy though.


Cappy said...

Quit whining. Plenty of room on his lawn for two non-driveable cars and a couple dead refrigerators.

Ed Bonderenka said...

Well, we have a vacant house across the street from us that just went up for sale.
Nobody ever parks in the street here unless they have guests.
Well, someone was looking at the house and parked in front of it.
Slightly diagonal at that.
I backed out of our garage and cut my wheel and backed into it.
I'd say, that'll serve them, but it caved in the back of my Taurus and left a small scuff on their bumper, which they said they will cover with a bumper sticker.
I almost offered them a Trump sticker.
Would that have been rude?

Mark 1:1 said...

I have been told that you may be a redneck if you discover two or more junk cars while mowing. So far, I am in the clear.

Fuzzy Curmudgeon said...

Non-running cars on the street? Expired license plates? Call the police. Get 'em towed.

Or...do you have a HOA? Not that ours has done jack about the guy who has three non-running trucks parked in the parking lot next to the clubhouse.

Anonymous said...

The guy across the street contacted the hOA


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