May 3, 2024

Lost in extra innings

It seems Friday has rolled around yet again. It is almost as if it comes every seven days or something. I want to warn you right up front, posting may be light to non-existent next week. I’m off to the robotics show for the week. As always, I am less than thrilled. Trade shows operate in a strange time warp where every minute you are there only counts as 20 seconds of real time. An hour passes, yet the clock only counts twenty minutes. It is awful. Oh, and you get to do it standing up the whole time. 

I will get to spend time with my work colleagues and that really is the only bonus. I like the people I work with. This year the show is in Chicago instead of Detroit. I don’t know if that is good or bad. We shall see. 

You never know, I may post my usual drivel. I do know this, I have no posts canned and ready, so if you do get something it will be fresh garbage. 

Enjoy your Friday. 


Linda said...

After Robotics, nothing made sense. Was that humor that zoomed over my head? I felt something in my hair.

Anonymous said...

Time moves really really slow at a trade show. It feels like you are there an hour but only 20 minutes have passed


Linda said...

Thanks, I was punchy, lacking sleep.

Jean said...

Maybe you can grab a trip to a museum?

Anonymous said...

Gonna go see the Cubs at Wrigley, Jean!😎


Jean said...

WooHoo! I'll root for them only because you're there.
Which day?

Anonymous said...

I think Tuesday

Anonymous said...

I’ll be the one in a Cubs shirt

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