June 23, 2024

Checking off the checklist

A summer thunderstorm rolled through in the pre-dawn hours. A cold less hot front is supposed to follow. Of course, I cut the grass yesterday. I don’t mind. Generally speaking I’m fine in the heat or the cold. Sure I get hot, but I can survive. It is the same with cold. Don’t get me wrong. I prefer to be in the sir conditioning when it is 95 with 98% humidity, but sometimes life doesn’t give us what we want. If it did, a check for $500 would show up on my mailbox Monday. 

I will get an electric deposit of $4.24 on the 30th. This is a royalty payment for selling a couple of books in April. Thanks to whomever bought my collection of words, sentences, and paragraphs. Hey, drop an me a review. I appreciate my reviews, but let’s be honest, I wouldn’t give it five stars and I wrote it! 

Have a great Sunday. 

1 comment:

Matthew W said...

Just West of Chicago, we got the storm about midnight. Hard and heavy for 30 minutes.
Yesterday morning I ran a 5k and came home to do some work in the yard around noon and it was too %@!& hot even for me to do much.

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